
Positive Indicators

  • Serves as a role model that other people want to follow.
  • Empowers others to translate vision into results.
  • Is proactive in developing strategies to accomplish objectives.
  • Establishes and maintains relationships with a broad range of people to understand needs and gain support.
  • Anticipates and resolves conflicts by pursuing mutually agreeable solutions.
  • Drives for change and improvement; does not accept the status quo.
  • Shows the courage to take unpopular stands.

Negative Indicators

  • Is uncomfortable in the management role.
  • Doesn’t take a stand.
  • Is seen as avoiding/evading the leadership role.
  • Does not make goals clear.
  • Does not provide direction to group.
  • Is not interested in people.
  • Loses touch with how motivated people are.
  • Delegates inappropriately.
  • Prefers to let others take the lead.
  • Is uncomfortable with resolving conflict.

Sample Questions

What opportunities have you had to take the lead in a team?

  • Which of these were the most challenging?
  • Why was that?

Describe a specific example of a time when you had to coordinate the work of other people.

  • What were you trying to achieve?
  • How did you go about organizing the work?
  • What was the outcome?

Describe a time when you needed to take action to increase team motivation.

  • Why was this necessary?
  • What action did you take?
  • How well did this work?
  • What else could you have done?

Tell me about a particular situation where you had to lead by example.

  • What messages did you want your team to pick up? Why?
  • How did you go about it?
  • What was the outcome?
  • What could have you done better?

Tell me about a situation when you found it difficult to manage the work of a team.

  • What made this difficult?
  • How did you try to overcome these difficulties?
  • How could you improve upon this?

Tell me about a situation when you have had to keep a team focused on objectives.

  • What skills did you need to achieve your objective?
  • What sort of strategies did you develop to achieve the objective?
  • What feedback have you had on your ability to keep teams on track?
  • In what situations have you been less effective at keeping others on track?

Describe an example where you have had to take charge and organize resources in your work.

  • How successful were you?
  • In what situations do you feel less comfortable taking charge?
  • What do you think you need to work on in order to be more effective at taking charge?
  • How effective do you see yourself as being at taking charge as compared with your peers?
  • What do you see to be the key issues to manage when taking charge of others?

Describe an example of how you typically interact with staff at different levels of an organization.

  • In what past situations have you been effective at building relationships with others?
  • On what occasions have you been less effective?
  • What have you gained through your interactions with these people?
  • What do you see as being the key to successfully relating to people at different levels within an organization?

Describe how you have gone about resolving conflict between others in the past, using a specific example.

  • How successful were you?
  • What would you do differently in hindsight?
  • In what situations are you less comfortable about resolving conflict between others?
  • What advice would you give to an inexperienced colleague faced with a conflict situation that needed resolving?

For most of us the occasion arises when we must take an unpopular stand or decision. Give me an example of when you had to take an unpopular stand.

  • How did you present your point of view?
  • What were the objections?
  • How hard did you push your viewpoint?
  • With hindsight, how would you approach this differently?

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