Visibility Mission – Somaliland / Somalia 55 views1 applications 262 views

Terms of Reference

Visibility Mission

For the Project: Emergency response for most at risk displaced and host population with a focus on elderly, people with injuries, chronic illness, physical disabilities and/or psychological distress and their family members affected by the crisis in Somalia

Financed by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany, 2019/2020


HI Mandate: HI is an independent and impartial international non-governmental aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster alongside persons with disabilities and vulnerable groups, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs and to improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

Project Summary: The project started in March 2019 and ending in December 2020 is targeting persons who are internally displaced and at risk of vulnerability. They may be exposed to psychosocial distress and mental health problems, protection issues, survival and/or not accessing needed basic services to satisfy their needs. It reaches out to those persons most at risk, with and without disabilities, older persons and those with chronic illnesses, to support them to reduce the vulnerability factors and improve their situation. It offers psychosocial counseling individually, in groups as well as supporting the setup of peer support groups, self-help groups. It also focuses on capacity development to community actors to strengthen their capacities on inclusive humanitarian response and psychosocial first aid. It works with community volunteers and civil society actors to train them on psychosocial first aid. It implements above actions in 5 regions of Somaliland. In Mogadishu, HI supports governmental and non-governmental humanitarian actors to develop their capacities to include persons with disabilities in their humanitarian programming. The project is financed by the Federal Foreign Office of Germany

The project team consists of Project Manager, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning (MEAL) Officer, Inclusion Officer, Liaison and Security Officer as well as 6 Protection Staff and 4 Psychologists and psychosocial support assistants. The MEAL officer is the focal person for visibility.

The project wishes to communicate regularly about its activities through social media, in a quality manner. For this purpose, HI wishes to engage a photographer to document its work. Moreover, HI staff is newly recruited and has not received any induction on how to take quality pictures, and write small case studies, stories for social media, including twitter. Part of their responsibilities is to document their work and contribute to the visibility action of the project.

Objective: To improve the quality of the visibility action undertaken to document the project activities and achieved results via case studies, small stories and twitter messages, using good photographs and small articles.


  • A library of pictures is available for each of the key project components in the three locations, Hargeisa, Mogadishu and Burao, depicting the diversity of the target groups of the project:

o General identification

o Focus Group Discussions

o Individual Counseling sessions

o Group Counseling sessions

o Referral to services

o Peer Support Group Sessions

o Training and coaching on disability inclusion

  • Small video or story board with photographs and quotes from target groups and participants has been developed for streaming and showing the work of the project
  • Project staff have gained essential skills for:

o In writing small case studies,

o Illustrating case studies with pictures,

o Taking and basic editing of photographs to agreed minimum standards, and

o Undertaking peer reviews to enhance the quality.

Duration & timing: approx. 12 working days, preferably mid December 2019 or January 2020.

Budget 6000€ or 6600 USD

Travel: Field visits in Somaliland to Hargeisa and Burao, and potentially Mogadishu, depending on security

What we are looking for:

You are an engaged freelance photographer/ journalist with a track record of working in Eastern Africa with diverse stakeholders, including INGOs and local NGOs, including small story boards, tweets and/or videos. Ideally, you are familiar with Handicap International/ Humanity & Inclusion’s Mandate, Somaliland and/or Somalia and the respective culture. You have excellent communication skills with team members and are willing to share your expertise through practical learning and reflection session with HI Team during a one-day learning sessions (1 day). Cultural adaptability is essential.

How to apply:

If you feel you are the right candidate, please, share your CV, proposed work schedule and content, preliminary budget, as well as samples of your work with: [email protected]

Deadline: 04.12.2019

More Information

  • Job City Hargeisa, Burao and Mogadishu

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