Senior Consultant, Statistics 366 views

Senior Consultant, Statistics

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    • #3408068
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    UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

    Closing date:
    07 Dec 2019

    Background and context

    The objective of the Sida-funded ‘Better Education Systems for Afghanistan’s Future’ (BESAF) project is to provide technical support to the Ministries of Education (MoE) and Higher Education (MoHE) in ongoing education reform processes emerging from the NESP III. The project’s outcomes are aligned with the three pillars of the NESP, (i) efficient and transparent management; (ii) quality and relevance and (iii) equitable access. Through this project, UNESCO will support the MoE and MoHE to strengthen capacity and develop implement and monitor robust education sector plans integrating a gender perspective and underpinned by accurate and reliable education sector data, revise curricula and learning resources for formal general education (grades 1-12) and non-formal adult education (levels 1-3) and higher education and research (Bachelor’s and Master’s) and increase access to general literacy and skills-based literacy programmes, with a particular focus on women.

    Output 1.6 of the BESAF project ‘MoE capacity to monitor sector-wide education inputs, process and outcomes through an effective education school management information system (SMIS) under EMIS strengthened’ aims to build national capacities within the MoE and to improve and strengthen Afghanistan’s Education Management Information System (EMIS) as a reliable tool for system-wide evidence-based decision making processes and monitoring of NESP III objectives and SDG 4 commitments. It will build on the foundation work carried out by UNESCO’s Capacity Development for Education (CapED) Programme SDG 4 Pilot. Through this pilot, UNESCO aims to support Afghanistan to operationalise SDG 4 commitments at national level, with the objective to review existing policies and plans in light of the SDG 4 targets and improve national data collection and analysis systems to better monitor progress towards them. The final output of the SDG 4 Pilot, a National Strategy for the Development of Education Statistics (NSDES), will provide a medium-term vision for where Afghanistan’s education statistics systems should be in five to ten years, setting milestones for getting there. Afghanistan is notable as being the first CapED SDG 4 Pilot country to secure funding, through BESAF, to follow up on the strategy’s recommendations. Where the process of developing the NSDES will analyse the current situation of education data and statistics, setting up the architecture for improved data collection and quality assessment, and providing an evidence-based action plan to address data and capacity gaps, BESAF will build on these foundations by further building capacity to analysis and use data, and by strengthening monitoring systems within the MoE.

    The BESAF statistics component is comprised of 5 key technical strands which will support the strengthening of MoE capacities and systems for evidence-based decision making processes, and for monitoring of NESP III objectives and SDG 4 commitments. The first is the development of a Monitoring and Evaluation matrix for the NESP III. which will entail overseeing and supporting a core technical group from the MoE and relevant line ministries to develop and finalise the output. The second strand is developing the knowledge and skills of the MoE’s Directorate for Strategic Monitoring and Evaluation staff, and those of other relevant units, in the analysis, presentation and use of data, through a series of capacity building workshops and through targeted technical support to the unit’s operations (I included this to cover periods where consultant may be in country but not necessarily facilitating a workshop – since we are anticipating roughly 6 months in country). This will in turn contribute to the third strand of the BESAF statistics work, which is the production of analytical statistical reports. Key technical work will involve supporting staff to produce the MoE’s first statistical report, technically reviewing and revising this initial output, and building capacities within a core technical team to continue to produce annual reports beyond the duration of the BESAF project, thus promoting the sustainability of the work carried out. In parallel, the fourth strand involves the development of training modules that will facilitate large-scale training in data analysis and visualisation beyond the central level. It is anticipated that these modules will facilitate the training of those key stakeholders who cannot access international expert-led workshops, be that due to language, logistical or conflict-related barriers. The development of these modules promotes the sustainability of the interventions under Output 1.6. Key technical work will involve the development of module content, development of a ToR for a software consultant, and oversight of the modules’ practical development. The final strand involves support to the government to pilot a report against all SDG 4 commitments. Technical work in this area will entail a concept note, action plan on how this would be achieved, and technical support to a core team within the MoE to develop the pilot. A Senior Consultant, Statistics, is sought to oversee and technically lead and shape these five parallel strands of work.

    The consultant will perform the following duties:

    1. Guide stakeholders in the MoE and relevant line ministries, comprising a core technical team in education statistics and M&E, on technical expertise in strategic monitoring and evaluation, particularly in the progression of the five parallel strands.

    2. Lead UNESCO’s technical support to the MoE in strategic monitoring and evaluation by developing a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework, through a participatory approach, providing technical backstopping and quality assurance of the final output and guiding its implementation.

    3. Build capacities amongst the core technical statistics team for the sustainable development of further annual statistical reports.

    4. Develop content for interactive training modules, lead the process of engaging an interactive training module software consultant/company, and provide oversight of the software development ensuring compatibility with content and usability for MoE staff.

    5. Organise and co-facilitate a series of workshops and consultations with MoE and stakeholder, including the core technical team, to build the capability of Tashkeel staff in strategic monitoring and evaluation.

    6. Consult closely with MoE and key stakeholders at each stage of the assignment. All deliverables will be presented to MoE and relevant stakeholders.


    Expected outputs and achievements (including specific reference to any deliverables and/or reports)

    Date due

    1. · Development of first draft M&E matrix aligned to the MoE’s National Education Strategic Plan

    · Development of a training plan for a series of 5 capacity building workshops to be delivered to a core technical statistics team

    29 February 2020

    1. · 1st capacity building workshop on statistics and strategic monitoring and evaluation facilitated and delivered, workshop materials and report prepared

    · Development of ToR for software consultant for development of interactive training modules produced

    30 April 2020

    1. · Final draft of M&E matrix aligned to the MoE’s National Education Strategic Plan

    · 2nd capacity building workshop on statistics and strategic monitoring and evaluation facilitated and delivered, workshop materials and report prepared

    30 June 2020

    1. · Development of content of first interactive training module (Metadata for the National Education Indicator Framework)

    31 August 2020

    1. · Development of content of second interactive training module (Data flow and presentation)

    · 3rd capacity building workshop on statistics and strategic monitoring and evaluation facilitated and delivered, workshop materials and report prepared

    31 October 2020


    A successful candidate will be required to demonstrate the following competencies:

    Core Competencies





    Results focus

    Planning and organizing

    Knowledge sharing and continuous improvement

    For detailed information please consult the UNESCO Competency Framework

    Required qualifications


    · Advanced university degree in education (eg. MEd, MA), preferably with a focus on statistics, monitoring and evaluation.

    Work experience

    · At least 10 years of relevant work experience in education, with a significant component of this experience acquired in statistics, monitoring and evaluation.

    · At least 10 years’ experience in designing workshops and developing training materials including for Ministry of Education officials.

    · Excellent understanding of statistics, strategic monitoring and evaluation and capacity development in Afghanistan and/or other similar contexts.

    · In depth understanding of the SDGs, specifically SDG 4, its targets and indicators.

    · Excellent facilitation and representation skills at technical working groups and consultation meetings.

    · Good understanding of interactive training modules

    · Advanced cross-cultural communication skills.

    · Excellent analytical and report writing skills, high-level drafting and communication capacity in English.

    Conditions of work

    The consultant will work remotely but will be required to travel the duty station as necessary according to the duties and responsibilities, and according to the stated deliverables. The consultant will be provided with secure office space by UNESCO while in Kabul including equipment, office stationaries, printing, photocopying, and communication equipment.

    Accommodation will be arranged by the UNESCO Office in Kabul and will be in premises cleared by the United Nations Department of Safety and Security (UNDSS) in Afghanistan.

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