REDD+ and NDC Technical Specialist Consultant, Home based 262 views


1. The Gabonese government is committed to pursuing a sustainable development policy and contributing to international efforts to prevent global temperature rise, and as such its engagements are detailed in its Strategic Plan for Emergent Gabon (PSGE: Vision 2025), the National Climate Plan (2013) and the National Land Use Plan (2015).

Following the submission of two national communications to United Nations Framework Climate Change Convention (UNFCCC), Gabon developed a 1990 – 2100 forest CO2 emissions model for its first Intended Nationally Determined Contribution (INDC), which was submitted in 2015. While Gabon was congratulated by the UNFCCC Secretariat for being the first African country to submit an INDC, the availability of data at the time was limited and weaknesses in the model were identified. Lack of transparency in accounting methods and data sources was also a criticism expressed by some international observers.

In order to meet international standards, the Gabonese government has called for an improved, revised forest CO2 emissions model that integrates the highest-tier national level data and most robust analytical methods now available. Parallel to the Paris Agreement accounting process, Gabon is also now engaging in activities under the REDD+ framework. To that end, the establishment of a Forest Reference Emission Level (FREL) is necessary: not only will it form a scientifically robust baseline for the revised Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC), but will also ensure Gabon can access future climate financing mechanisms under the Green Climate Fund (GCF) Pilot programme. In addition, Norway is keen to rapidly mobilise support to Gabon under a results-based financing mechanism. Full compliance between GCF/FREL reporting requirements and those under a CAFI/Norway agreement will be ensured.

This process comes at a timely moment, with the commencement of activities under the CAFI -funded National Investment Framework and FCPF Readiness fund, all of which are complementary and act in synergy to preserve the value of Gabon’s forests by implementing policy reforms and measures to address the drivers of deforestation and forest degradation and promote sustainable development. In addition, on September 22, 2019, Gabon signed an addendum to its existing letter of intent with CAFI. This addendum will allow Gabon to mobilize results-based payments for emission reductions up to 150 million US$.

2. Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation, as established by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), is often referred to as ‘REDD+’.? The UNDP Climate and Forests team, which supports countries on REDD+, is based in UNDP’s Bureau for Policy and Programme Support – BPPS. ?UNDP’s Bureau for Policy and Programme Support (BPPS) is responsible for developing relevant policy and guidance to support the results of UNDP’s Strategic Plan.? BPPS, as part of UNDP’s Global Policy Network (GPN), provides technical advice to Country Offices; advocates for UNDP corporate messages; represents UNDP at multi-stakeholder fora including public-private dialogues, government and civil society dialogues, South-South and Triangular cooperation initiatives, and engages in UN inter-agency coordination in specific thematic areas.

UNDP’s work on REDD+ contributes to UNDP’s overall support on climate change which consists of an extensive portfolio of mitigation and adaptation projects and programmes, for which UNDP provides oversight, quality assurance, and global and regional policy and technical advisory services.? A subset of this portfolio focuses on strengthening enabling actions for NDC implementation, with a focus on the policy, institutional, reporting and financing mechanisms. ?In addition to this extensive portfolio of support to countries, UNDP is also engaged at the global level as part of the UN System effort to advance ambitious climate action and NDC implementation, including through nature-based solutions, with REDD+ being a key nature-based solution in terms of NDC ambition and implementation.

Duties and Responsibilities

1. The objectives of this consultancy are to provide technical and policy advice related to the forest sector to the CAFI Secretariat and the Government of Gabon in order for Gabon to complete the Warsaw Framework for REDD+ and access Results-Based Payments, update its Nationally Determined Contribution. The consultancy will also provide support to the CAFI Secretariat on improving the science and policy interface for the Congo Basin forests.

2. The REDD+ and NDC Technical Specialist consultant will contribute to the overall success of UNDP’s climate and forests efforts, by providing high quality technical, programming, implementation support, and technical assistance.? The individual consultant will focus on the contribution of REDD+ to NDC ambition and implementation, with country case study examples and an analysis of challenges or barriers to integration or enhancement of nature-based solutions in the NDCs, as well as solutions, as demonstrated through REDD+ experience. This analysis will be captured in an Information note, with key findings prepared for presentation

Tasks and responsibilities

  • Provide technical inputs (including drafting text) and policy advice to the CAFI Secretariat and the Government of Gabon:
  • on the FREL based on the existing AFOLU sector emissions model to be submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat in 2020 and that also complies with Norway/CAFI accounting requirements, including inputs and potential participations to a stakeholder consultation and a stakeholder dissemination workshop;

for Gabon to complete the Warsaw Framework for REDD+ (other than the FREL in point (1) above); on relevant sectors to update Gabon’s Nationally Determined Contribution; to outline a prioritisation of activities and workplan for Results-Based Payments; Provide support to the CAFI Secretariat to improve the science and policy interface for the Congo Basin forests. Compile and review key documents, reports, strategies, related to enhancing NDCs through nature-based solutions, with a focus on REDD+. This includes global-level reports and analyses on nature-based solutions in NDCs, reports and literature on the role of REDD+ in NDCs, as well as selected country-level documents including NDCs and REDD+ strategies/action plans for example countries. In the workplan, the consultant will outline in detail his/her methodology, approach to work and explain how the deliverables of this consultancy will be achieved. The consultant will supplement the desk review of literature and policy papers by conducting consultations with key government counterparts in REDD+ countries. The UNDP Climate and Forests Global Technical Specialist will be responsible for identifying the country contacts and making the introductory contact, and the REDD+ and NDCs Technical Specialist will then follow up with each of these country-level contacts. The objective of these discussions with countries will be to gather information on the experiences and/or plans to reflect REDD+ in the NDCs, with a focus on challenges or barriers faced, and solutions to these challenges. REDD+ may already be reflected in a country’s NDC explicitly, or there may be explicit plans/roadmap for how REDD+ will contribute to enhanced ambition in a given country’s 2020 NDC. Analysis and country examples will be captured in a 10-15 page Information Note on the challenges and solutions for integrating and enhancing NBS into the NDCs, with REDD+ as the means to illustrate the potential. The information note should include simple visuals/graphics to display key findings. The final paper should be preceded by a submitted outline and first draft for review and inputs by the UNDP Global Technical Specialist (see expected outputs 3-7 in table below).

Deliverables & payments

Payments will be made monthly, based on the number of days worked per calendar month. The column on the right side of the table below presents the tentative tranches that may change upon the course of the consultancy.

The consultant is expected to carry out official mission travel(s). The air tickets, DSA and travel expenses (incidentals) will be covered and processed in accordance with UNDP travel guidelines.


Estimate No. of Days

Estimate Due Date(s)

1. Provide technical inputs (including drafting text) and policy advice to CAFI and the Government of Gabon:

  • on the FREL based on the existing AFOLU sector emissions model to be submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat in 2020 and that also complies with Norway/CAFI accounting requirements of the Letter of Intent (LoI), including inputs and potential participations in a stakeholder consultation and a stakeholder dissemination workshop

for Gabon to complete the Warsaw Framework for REDD+ (other than the FREL in point (1) above); on relevant sectors to update Gabon’s Nationally Determined Contribution; to outline a prioritisation of activities and workplan for Results-Based Payments

40 days

Ongoing from January to May 2020 (Review of documents each time a new version is submitted for technical input)

2. Provide support to the CAFI Secretariat to improve the science and policy interface for the Congo Basin forests

5 days

March 2020

3. Draft workplan, Outline, REDD+ and NDCs Information Note

3 days

December 2019

4. Deliver first draft REDD+ and NDC Information Note

15 days

December 2019

5. Final REDD+ and NDC Information Note

5 days

February 2020

6. Support to present findings at international fora/meetings – prepare presentation materials

3 days

Ongoing from January to May 2020

7. A revised Information Note – based on feedback from event(s).

4 days

May 2020

Duration & location

This consultancy is home-based and will commence as soon as possible for the duration of 5 calendar months, with 1-2 missions to Gabon and further international travel to be discussed, agreed, and decided with supervisor(s).


(i) For deliverables 1 and 2: The consultant will report to the Head of CAFI Secretariat, and will liaise with the Government of Gabon focal point.

(ii) For deliverables 3 to 7: The consultant will report directly to the UNDP REDD+ Global Technical Specialist on FREL, NFMS, BUR and NDCs, based in New York, who will review and approve the deliverables and payments, and provide technical guidance to the REDD+ Technical Specialist on REDD+ and NDCs. The Consultant will also interact and coordinate with the larger UNDP Climate and Forests team, as needed.

Scope of Price Proposal and Schedule of Payments

The individual consultant will be compensated based on an all-inclusive daily fee, to be paid on a monthly basis based on the number of days worked per calendar month. The consultant will submit an Invoice or request for payment, together with a time sheet with the corresponding deliverables, to be cleared by the Supervisor(s), and approved by the Principal Policy and Technical Advisor.

If an official mission travel is required, this will be administered and processed separately in accordance with standard UNDP travel policies and procedures applicable to individual consultants.


Corporate Competencies:

  • Demonstrates commitment to UNDP´s mission, vision and values;
  • Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability;
  • Highest standards of integrity, discretion and loyalty.

Functional Competencies:

  • Diplomacy and tact;
  • Ability to communicate and work closely with a variety of people within a multicultural environment;
  • Demonstrated ability to work within a multi-disciplinary and international framework with a wide range of partners, particularly at the science-policy interface;
  • Strong work ethic and commitment;
  • Concise and analytical thinking;
  • Organized and resourceful.

Required Skills and Experience

Academic qualifications: PhD degree or equivalent experience in geography, forestry, environmental sciences, natural resource management, environmental or climate-change policy and/or another relevant field.


  • Minimum of 10 years practical working experience with tropical forest countries on climate change, forest carbon and REDD+, in the context of the UNFCCC;
  • A land use, land-use change, and forestry (LULUCF) expert on the UNFCCC roster of experts is highly preferable;
  • Demonstrated global experience on report writing focused on the themes of REDD+ implementation and/or the role of forests and land use in the NDCs;
  • Experience in Gabon, in the field of natural resources management, forest ecology and climate change; preferably both as a scientist and as an officer directly within government;
  • Strong scientific publication record, particularly in the fields of climate change and forest ecology;
  • Demonstrated ability to work efficiently within the Gabonese political landscape, and react rapidly in response to government-identified urgencies and priorities;
  • Immediate availability.

Language(s): Fluency in French and English is required.

Criteria for Selection of the Best Offer

Combined Scoring method – where the technical qualifications will be weighted a maximum of 70%, and combined with the price offer which will be weighted a max of 30%. Only candidates obtaining a minimum of 70 points would be considered for the financial criteria.

The key criteria for rating the qualifications are as follows: Technical Criteria – 70% of total evaluation – max. 70 points

  • Criteria A: Educational background (max. points: 8)
  • Criteria B: Minimum of 10 years practical working experience with tropical forest countries on climate change, forest carbon and REDD+, in the context of the UNFCCC. (max. points: 12)
  • Criteria C: Experience in Gabon, in the field of natural resources management, forest ecology and climate change; preferably both as a scientist and as an officer directly within government (max. points: 15)
  • Criteria D: LULUCF expert on the UNFCCC roster of experts, highly preferable (max. points: 15)
  • Criteria E: Demonstrated global experience on report writing focused on the themes of REDD+ implementation and/or the role of forests and land use in the NDCs. (max. points: 10)
  • Criteria F: Strong scientific publication record, particularly in the fields of climate change and forest ecology. (max. points: 10)

Financial Criteria: 30% of total evaluation (30 points)

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

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