Nepal: Mid-term Evaluation Team Leader, DRG (Political Processes)Kathmandu, Nepal 354 views

Closing Date : 2019-11-20
Duty Station : Kathmandu, Nepal
See all 14 jobs in Kathmandu, Nepal
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Organization: CAMRIS International
Country: Nepal
Closing date: 20 Nov 2019

CAMRIS is an international development and research firm that realizes innovative solutions to health and development challenges through high-quality, cost-effective program and research management services. With experience working in more than 80 countries, we combine our proven systems with today s most effective, evidence-based best practices to improve the lives of people around the world. We apply a customized, customer-centric, cost-effective business approach to offer greater value to our clients and challenge the way things have always been done in our field.

CAMRIS clients include U.S. government agencies and multilateral and private organizations. Our core practice areas include public health, agriculture, and food security, economic development, education, environment, humanitarian assistance, democracy and governance, monitoring, evaluation and learning, and medical research.

In support of USAID/Nepal s Monitoring, Evaluation, and Learning (MEL) Activity, implemented by CAMRIS, we seek a Team Leader for the upcoming Midterm Evaluation of USAID/Nepal s Niti Sambad Policy Dialogue activity. The purpose of this midterm evaluation is to is to determine whether the activity is on track to accomplish its intended goals and objectives and recommend course corrections if this is not the case and/or if adjustments should be made given Nepal s state restructuring and political transition. The evaluation also will assess the degree to which there is early evidence of sustainability of project results, and whether the approach appears to be advancing the Mission s gender equality and social inclusion (GESI) policy. This evaluation will examine the effectiveness of approaches and relevance of the activity s developmental hypothesis and theory of change. Additionally, the evaluation will draw lessons on how effective the project has remained in the changed political context and how should it go ahead in the remaining life of the project.

USAID and the Consortium for Elections and Political Processes Strengthening (CEPPS), the implementing partner of the activity, will use the evaluation to identify best practices and lessons learned to guide project implementation. USAID also will use the findings and recommendations to inform future programming decisions.

Evaluation Questions
* To what extent is the project on track to reach its intermediate results and overall goal? What are the primary obstacles and enabling factors (e.g. country context, adoption of USAID new strategic initiatives) in achieving intermediate results and goals (programmatic and operational level)?
* How effective is the project in engaging women, youth, Dalits, and other marginalized groups to contribute to the development of national politics? Have other types of opportunities emerged as a result from engagement of historically marginalized communities by Niti Sambad partners [the National Democratic Institute (NDI), the International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), and the International Republican Institute (IRI)]?
* Given the project is at the half-way point, are the current objectives of the project still relevant to Nepal s new federal political development? What new challenges to political development and electoral administration do you see, which are not addressed by the project? Have Niti Sambad partners adjusted the project based on understanding of new challenges emerging?
* As a result of Niti Sambad support, is the capacity of the Election Commission of Nepal (ECN) reaching a point of becoming a credible election body and is showing signs of becoming less dependent on future USG or other foreign government support? If the ECN is still dependent on USG and other outside resources do you see the ECN ever reaching a point in the future to become less dependent on donor support?
* Are the sustainability benchmarks of Niti Sambad progressing? If so, how? If not, what adjustments are required to ensure Niti Sambad is on track to meet these benchmarks?
* Serve as the primary investigator of the mid-term evaluation, providing oversight to the evaluation throughout the entire evaluation process.
* Work with USAID and CEPPS management to plan the evaluation and logistics.
* Work with the evaluation team to allocate evaluation responsibilities based on their skills and capacity.
* Support the evaluation team members to ensure that all team members fulfill obligations, communications, and deliverables in a timely manner.
* Manage the evaluation team s activities and organize and facilitate team interaction.
* Serve as liaison between USAID and the evaluation team.
* Lead the interpretation of findings and both the oral and written presentations of the findings.
* Demonstrated leadership and team management skills.
* A postgraduate degree in a related field, with at least 10 years of experience leading and/or evaluating development activities for USAID or other donor agencies, preferably with some experience in Nepal or Asia.
* Broad technical experience of political and electoral process, challenges, and evolution of political system in developing countries.
* Specific knowledge of democracy, human rights, and governance (DRG) transition and profound analytical experience, which equips him/her to conduct high-quality and in-depth analysis on the improvement of governance in political parties, processes, and electoral systems.
* Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
* Strong research and analytical skills.
* Prior experience as the team leader of similar assignment.
* Experience working with a range of government officials, donors, local NGOs, and academia.
* Strong evaluation, organizational, and management skills, with a minimum of 5 years of experience with evaluation tools and methods.
* Prior experience in leading evaluation teams; excellent skills in planning, facilitation, and consensus building.
* Good familiarity with Nepal s political system.
* Excellent interpersonal skills, including experience successfully interacting with host country government officials and other stakeholders.
* Strong oral and written communication skills, with extensive report writing experience.
* Writing samples from recent evaluations or reports, and three professional references, will be requested.

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