Looking for Social Inclusion Experts in Lebanon 327 views

Looking for Social Inclusion Experts in Lebanon

  • Job ID:

    • #3409368
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    AAN Associates

    Closing date:
    06 Dec 2019

    AAN Associates is looking for ‘Social Inclusion Experts’ for a Country Programme Evaluation in Lebanon.

    The consultants must have following expertise;

    • Masters degree in social sciences, development studies and other relevant
    • Minimum 8 years experience in Social Inclusion programmes
    • Experience of reduce multidimensional child poverty in Lebanon with increased national- and community-level action for children (will be an asset)
    • Experience in delivering humanitarian assistance
    • Experience in working in the humanitarian development nexus
    • Good understanding of the child rights agenda
    • Experience in managing evaluations in the UN system
    • Working experience with UN agencies
    • Excellent written English language skills, Knowledge of Arabic is an asset;

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