International Project Development Specialist (lead writer) on Project “Demonstration of production phase-out of mercury-containing medical thermometers and sphygmomanometers and promoting the application of mercury-free alternatives in medical facilities, Home-based 202 views


China is a large manufacturer of mercury-containing medical thermometers and sphygmomanometers. Current annual consumption of mercury in China used for the manufacture of medical thermometers and sphygmomanometers is estimated to be between 200 and 250 tonnes each year.

A preliminary survey conducted in 2014 indicated that there were approximately 20 enterprises that produced about 150 million mercury-containing thermometers in China alone, and which used about 150 tonnes of mercury for their manufacturing processes. One third of the produced mercury-containing thermometers were exported to other countries. With respect to mercury-containing sphygmomanometers, approximately 10 enterprises produced and sold about 3 million in China in 2014, and used about 100 tonnes of mercury each year in their production processes.

In 2014, mercury-containing thermometers and sphygmomanometers were listed as high-pollution and high-environmental-risk products by the Ministry of Environmental Protection of China. The Ministry of Ecology and Environment is currently initiating the development of a National Implement Plan for implementation of the Minamata Convention on Mercury, including the phase-out of mercury containing medical thermometers and sphygmomanometers.

Mercury-containing thermometers and sphygmomanometers are widely used in China. There are nearly 1 million medical facilities at different levels. Data on the current use of mercury-containing thermometers and sphygmomanometers in medical facilities is still unclear.

In light of the phase-out of the manufacture of mercury-containing thermometers and sphygmomanometers in the near future, it is necessary to gain better understanding of consumption patterns, of representative samples of the overall landscape of the various types of medical facilities to be targeted in demonstration ahead of upscaling, of sound management of obsolete mercury-containing thermometers and sphygmomanometers and proper application of non-mercury devices, and ways to incentivize rapid uptake of non-mercury devices, so that the medical facilities in China are well prepared for the application of mercury-free medical thermometers and sphygmomanometers.

The manufacture of mercury-free thermometers and sphygmomanometers has been encouraged by the National Development and Reform Commission of China since 2011. Some regulations on the calibration of electronic thermometers have also been issued from 2009. However, gaps still exist between the current regulatory system and the requirements of the Minamata Convention on Mercury on the phase-out of the production of mercury-containing thermometers and sphygmomanometers and the application of mercury-free medical devices. Therefore, cross ministerial cooperation (e.g., Environment, Health, and Industry, etc.) to jointly develop the necessary action plans and guidelines, and identify appropriate private sector partners is required to phase out the production of mercury-containing medical thermometers and sphygmomanometers in enterprises and introduce mercury-free medical devices in medical facilities.

In order to phase out mercury in the thermometers and sphygmomanometers, UNDP and FECO/MEE jointly developed Project identification Form (PIF) with the aim to request PPG for the project: Demonstration of production phase-out of mercury-containing medical thermometers and sphygmomanometers and promoting the application of mercury-free alternatives in medical facilities in China, and submitted to GEF secretariat. The GEF secretariat sent letter to approve the request Project Preparation Grant on 20 November 2019. A GEF Preparation Project Grant (PPG) of $300,000 was also approved for formulation of a full-size project proposal with the condition that the final project document will be submitted for GEF CEO Endorsement no later than 12 months after Council approval of the work program

The PPG stage, which will start from December 19, 2019 to November 19, 2020, is to refine project objectives, outcomes, and outputs as well as the work plan and budget for each of the project components as noted in the PIF for final formulation of a full-size project document. It will also serve to improve baseline scenario mapping, cost-effectiveness and the global benefits of the project, and secure firm co-financing commitments for each of the project components. Additionally, resources will be applied to finance the stakeholder and public consultation process required as input to this detailed scope definition and for national endorsement of the final project documentation.

The principle overall output of the PPG will be the detailed definition of the project scope in terms of technical details and implementation arrangements as set out in a Project Document, including:

  • validation of project design with the government and other counterparts;
  • barrier analyses, based on consultant reports and a multi-stakeholder workshop
  • logical framework, based on a multi-stakeholder workshop and the recommendations of consultancy studies, including indicators and quantified targets, combined with baseline values supplied by thematic consultants
  • participation strategy;
  • analysis of the programmatic baseline;
  • project budget and work plan in standard UNDP and GEF format;
  • monitoring and evaluation strategy;
  • learning and replication strategy and
  • text and supportive technical analyses detailing the justification and strategies of the project.

Duties and Responsibilities


The assignment is to provide technical expertise for development of a full size GEF-funded project on Demonstration of production phase-out of mercury-containing medical thermometers and sphygmomanometers and promoting the application of mercury-free alternatives in medical facilities in China and input in the formulation of a high quality Project Document accordingly, utilizing and adhering to the appropriate UNDP GEF templates and guidance for GEF-7 that will be provided by UNDP.

The International Project Development Specialist will be the GEF PPG Team Leader and will be responsible for quality assurance and timely preparation of all reports and documentation, including the finalized UNDP Project Document (ProDoc) and GEF CEO Endorsement Request, with all mandatory and project specific Annexes and supporting documentation. S/he will be responsible for managing all consultants on the GEF PPG Team and coordinating the Team’s work.

Duties and Responsibilities

Management of the GEF PPG Team, which shall include expertise such as Gender/stakeholder specialist; Social and Environment Safeguards (SESP) risk specialist; Policy/finance specialist; Mercury (waste) handling/management specialist; training specialist; and (potentially) Communications Strategy specialist, also recognizes that some specialties will be doubled up in single consultancies. Specifically, management of the team shall require the International Consultant to:

  • Define and submit a detailed methodology and work plan in consultation with the other consultants with clear delegation of responsibilities for the International Consultant (IC) and National Consultants (NCs);
  • Ensure that project development is participatory, gender-responsive and based on extensive stakeholder engagements; and
  • Verify and ensure that all project components are technically sound and cost effective.
  • Preparatory Technical Studies and Reviews: With inputs from the national consultants, as detailed in their respective TORs:
  • Compile baseline/barrier/situational analysis for the full-size project (FSP). This will include a precise definition of baseline projects, activities, budgets, goals and co-financial links to GEF outcomes; definition of GEF incremental value per outcome and output; and presentation of results of the incremental cost-analysis in matrices as appropriate;
  • Lead and oversee the stakeholder analysis and consultations, with support from national consultants, and ensure that they are complete and comprehensive including consultations with the private sector and medical devices associations and bodies;
  • Liaison with the implementing agencies and parallel bilateral initiatives as requested;
  • Oversee the preparation of the gender analysis by the appropriate national consultant and ensure its findings are meaningfully integrated into the project’s strategy, theory of change and results framework;
  • Ensure action points, including risk assessments, from the UNDP pre-Social and Environmental Screening Procedure (SESP) at the PIF stage (‘pre-screening’) are fully reviewed and validated during the PPG by the SESP consultant, and update that screening in an iterative process throughout the PPG, and as appropriate;
  • Oversee the identification of the project sites, with documentation of selection criteria and making sure that geo-referenced data and maps are clearly presented both for targeted protected areas and broader landscapes, as applicable;
  • Ensure the design of appropriate project knowledge management processes and platforms, ensuring appropriate linkages to existing mechanisms and knowledge sharing in project landscapes;
  • Lead and oversee the identification of opportunities for private sector engagement and co-financing, and ensure that a long-term replication and financing modality is designed into the project to ensure complete and sustained phase out of mercury devices post project;
  • Working closely with the UNDP China Office and FECO, assist in the preparation of partner capacity assessments and discussions on management arrangements early in the PPG process;
  • Oversee the consultations with partners regarding financial planning, co-financing finalization et. al.;
  • Ensure completion of any additional studies that are determined to be needed for the preparation of the ProDoc and all other final outputs;
  • Formulation of the ProDoc, CEO Endorsement Request and Mandatory and Project Specific Annexes: With inputs from the national consultants, as detailed in their respective TORs, and based on international best practice;
  • Develop, present and articulate the project’s theory of change;
  • Develop the Results Framework in line with UNDP-GEF policy;
  • Develop a detailed Monitoring and Evaluation Plan and Budget;
  • Oversee and ensure the preparation of a comprehensive Stakeholder Engagement Plan;
  • Oversee and ensure the preparation of a Gender Action Plan and Budget;
  • Oversee and ensure the updating of the SESP based on assessments undertaken during Component A, and ensure the development of required environmental and/or social management plan(s) as required;
  • Oversee the preparation of the required GEF-7 Taxonomy matrix and GEF-7 Core Indicators and ensure these are supported by robust and validated data;
  • Provide advice on acquisition of formal detailed co-financing commitments for UNDP components, and the project in general, to ensure that there is alignment with the overall co-financing strategy of the project
  • Prepare the indicative procurement plan (with UNDP China support);
  • Secure and present agreements on project execution and management arrangements and ensure that the project aligns to UNDP-GEF guidance on UNDP execution support;
  • Ensure the completion of the required official endorsement letters;
  • Synthesize all analyses, studies, etc. that are prepared under Components A and B to produce the draft UNDP-GEF ProDoc, GEF CEO Endorsement, and all mandatory and project specific Annexes, using the templates.
  • Validation Workshop:
  • Lead the validation workshop to present, discuss and validate the final draft ProDoc and mandatory and project specific annexes, with a special focus on the SESP and any management plans;
  • Oversee all necessary revisions that arise during the workshop; and ensure completion of Validation Workshop Report.
  • Overarching quality control elements associated with the final deliverables should be noted:
  • Ensure that the CEO endorsement package, Prodoc etc., provided in English, are of high quality (meeting with all GEF and UNDP standards); and, working with UNDP China and FECO, overseeing that comments received from the LPAC/Validation Meeting are included.
  • Address and Annex GEF SEC, GEF Council and STAP comments/suggestions (if any) received at PIF stage to the project document and CEO endorsement package.

Final Products

Expected Deliverable

Expected Time

Expected Deadline

Detailed PPG work plan approved by the UNDP CO, FECO/MEE

5 days

February 16, 2020

Annotated outline of UNDP/GEF Project Document with a clear indication of the information which is required for each section and that is to be provided by the project team.

5 days

February 23, 2020

Report on PPG Activities 1, 2 and 3 (incl. Detailed Project Strategy)

14 days

March 30, 2020

Draft UNDP/GEF project documentation (incl. Co-Financing Letters) and request for CEO Endorsement based on comments by all stakeholders, as required.

16 days

July 30, 2020

Final UNDP/GEF project documentation (incl. PPG Completion Report). The CEO Endorsement package will include the following documents:

  • Finalized UNDP Project Document
  • Finalized GEF Request for CEO Endorsement
  • Finalized SESP
  • All Co-financing Letters

20 days

September 15, 2020


Duration and travel plan

The duration of this assignment is from 19 December 2019 to 19 November 2020.

The working days will be in total of 60 days, of which 20 days will stay in China and local travels in China might be inclusive. Tentative travels to China are planned in March and August in 2020.

Duty Station:

The consultant will be home-based with travel to China as indicated in the travel plan.

Travel Plan:

The assignment foresees two missions to China; one for formulation workshop and later for the validation workshop. Field Visit to the Project Sites will be included during the initial mission for the formulation workshop. All travel expenses associated with the trips (tickets, accommodation DSA) will be included in the financial offer (which needs to include (i) consultancy fees and (ii) estimated travel cost) as per UNDP rules and regulations. There may be also unforeseen travel that will come up during the execution of the contract which will be agreed on ad-hoc basis.

Required Skills and Experience

Education: Advanced degree in Chemistry, Engineering, Environment Studies or other related disciplines;

Language: Excellent communication and English drafting skills;

Experience and skills:

  • Minimum 10 years working experience in the area of environmental protection, or related areas, such as mercury management and good knowledge of the Minamata Convention;
  • At least bachelor degree in environment protection, economics or related area.
  • Advanced knowledge and demonstrated experience in environmental protection and mercury management, and other relevant fields;
  • Understanding GEF’s strategic plan and priority areas in GEF VII;
  • Familiarization with UNDP procedures is highly desirable;
  • Previous experience with donor-funded development projects in China is highly desirable;
  • Good team-work spirit.

Payment terms

The total amount quoted shall be all-inclusive and include all costs components required to perform the deliverables identified in the TOR, including professional fee, travel costs of mission planned and any other applicable costs to be incurred by the IC in completing the assignment. Any unforeseen mission will be paid by UNDP if required and approved by UNDP CO. The contract price will be fixed output-based price regardless of extension of the herein specified duration.

Institutional Arrangement

The Consultant will be given access to relevant information necessary for execution of the tasks under this assignment. The Consultant will be responsible for providing her/his own working station (i.e. laptop, internet, phone, scanner/printer, specific software, etc.) and must have access to a reliable internet connection

The recruited lead consultant will report to the programme managers at UNDP China Office and FECO/MEE, and will work closely with the Lead National Consultant and the National Project Coordinator at FECO/MEE and other experts to be recruited under the preparation project. In order for the smooth implementation of the deliverables the consultant must liaise with other consultants recruited for PPG. Regular updates between the consultants and the National Coordinator must take place. The frequency and medium of updates/feedback between the PPG team will be mutually agreed upon contract signature. He/she should carry out his/her tasks in accordance with the rules and procedures of UNDP. Any other task that are not included above but during the assignment period later deemed important to ensure the quality of the deliverables could be proposed by the incumbent and shall be agreed jointly.

Application procedures

Qualified candidates are requested to apply by 27 December 2019 by sending their application packages through UNDP China website.

The application should contain:

  • Offeror’s Letter explaining why the applicant is the most suitable candidate for the advertised position and a brief methodology on how the applicant will approach and conduct the work (if applicable). Download offeror’s letter and Financial proposal here
  • Filled P11 form including experience in similar projects and contact details of referees, please upload the P11 instead of your CV. Download here
  • Financial Proposal* – specifying a total lump sum amount for the tasks specified in this announcement. The financial proposal shall include a breakdown of this lump sum amount (number of anticipated working days – in home office and on mission, travel – international and local, per diems and any other possible costs).

Please note that the financial proposal is all-inclusive and shall consider various expenses incurred by the consultant/contractor during the contract period (e.g. relevant expenses related to the performance of services…). All envisaged travel costs must be included in the financial proposal. This includes all travel to join duty station/repatriation travel.

Payments will be made only upon confirmation of UNDP on delivering on the contract obligations in a satisfactory manner.

General Terms and conditions as well as other related documents can be found under:

Qualified women and members of minorities are encouraged to apply.

Due to many applications we receive, we can inform only the successful candidates about the outcome or status of the selection process.

Incomplete applications will not be considered. Please make sure you have provided all requested materials.

UNDP is committed to achieving workforce diversity in terms of gender, nationality and culture. Individuals from minority groups, indigenous groups and persons with disabilities are equally encouraged to apply. All applications will be treated with the strictest confidence. UNDP does not tolerate sexual exploitation and abuse, any kind of harassment, including sexual harassment, and discrimination. All selected candidates will, therefore, undergo rigorous reference and background checks.

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