Hausa Translation Consultant 22 views1 applications 674 views

Breakthrough ACTION is the United States Agency for International Development’s (USAID) flagship social and behavior change (SBC) project led by Johns Hopkins Center for Communication Programs (CCP). Breakthrough ACTION–Nigeria’s project goal is to increase the practice of priority health behaviors in malaria, maternal, newborn, and child health, including nutrition (MNCH+N), family planning/reproductive health (FP/RH), and tuberculosis (TB) at the national and sub-national levels in collaboration with the relevant USAID implementing partners (IPs). Breakthrough ACTION–Nigeria works with federal and state Ministry of Health programs, departments, and agencies to improve their SBC capacity and coordination.

Hausa Translation Consultant


Translation Services for Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria’s Integrated SBC Mobile Training Curriculum

Background and context:

In August 2019, Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria conducted classroom training for its Community Volunteers (CV) to deliver social and behaviour change messages in their assigned communities in Bauchi, Kebbi, and Sokoto. Following the classroom training, the CVs have received ongoing mentoring and coaching through supportive supervision visits by LGA supervisors. In order to complement supervision visits and to reinforce the classroom training, the curriculum has been adapted to a Mobile Training Curriculum that will be delivered to CVs through their mobile phones using an Interactive Voice Response approach. Essential course material has been broken into 16 modules, which includes course content and pre- and post-tests to measure how well CVs retained their learnings from the classroom training, and additional learning achieved after participating in the Mobile Training Course.

Specific tasks:

The Hausa Translation Consultant will independently undertake the translation of a 31-page (approximately 6,000 words) English document into simple and standard Hausa.

Approach to work:

The consultant will receive the English documents and work independently to complete the translation on time. The document is divided into 16 modules, and the consultant will submit each module as and when completed for review and feedback.

The final document in simple and standard Hausa should be in Microsoft Word, and mirror the format of the English document.

Qualifications and Specialized Knowledge (Lead/Technical Consultant):

  • 3-5 years of experience translating English into Hausa
  • Demonstrated ability to write in simple and standard Hausa
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills
  • Ability to use Microsoft Word
  • Access to a laptop to accomplish the scope of work
  • Availability during the consultancy period

Period of consultancy: Consultancy is expected to be awarded by December 18, 2019, and the completed transcripts should be submitted by January 10, 2020.


The Hausa Translation Consultant will report to Breakthrough ACTION-Nigeria’s SBC and Innovations Advisor.

Method of Application

To apply please follow these directions exactly:

1. Send a cover letter and CV ONLY on or before 5:00 pm Abuja time, December 13, 2019, to [email protected]

a. The document should be a cover letter first, with bullet points in bold on how the candidate meets the minimum qualifications. Following the cover letter, in the same document, should be the candidate’s CV.

b. Interested Consultants must also attach samples of their own writing in simple and standard Hausa, approximately 500 words.

c. Interested Consultants should include financial quotation for the services to be rendered

d. A completed 1420 form (see link below)

2. Candidates should use the following format in the subject line of their email submission “BA-N Hausa Translator Consultant” OR “BA-N Radio Spot Script Writer Consultant” followed by the candidate’s name. For example, if a candidate named Grace were applying for the position, the email subject line for the submission MUST read: “BA-N Hausa Translator Consultant Grace” Any emails without this exact subject line format will not be opened and will be immediately deleted.

3. Only the final candidates will be contacted for further engagement.

4. Final candidates will be given a sample of the Mobile Curriculum to translate and submit as an example of their ability to write in simple and standard Hausa.

Note: Proposals will be scored on the completeness and quality of the technical proposal, quality of the proposed work plan, quality of the budget and accompanying narrative, and relevant experience

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