External Outreach to Health Emergency Specialists for UNICEF in Eastern and Southern Africa, Kenya 377 views

External Outreach to Health Emergency Specialists for UNICEF in Eastern and Southern Africa

Job no: 527665

Work type: Consultancy, Temporary Appointment

Location: Kenya

Categories: Health, Emergency Programme

Purpose of Position

The purpose of this external announcement is to attract suitable Health Emergency Specialists from outside the organization for inclusion in the Health Emergency roster for Eastern and Southern Africa region. As a member of ESARO Health Team, the candidate will provide technical assistance to countries in ESAR in the preparedness, response and monitoring of health emergencies activities.

The main objectives of UNICEF’s emergency health interventions are to provide support to governments and partners across the continuum from development, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery. UNICEF through its Core Commitments for Children in Emergencies (CCCs) provides a framework to ensure the children and women have access to quality maternal, newborn and early childhood health care from the household to community level and health facilities in collaboration with partners focusing on priority interventions targeted at the most common causes of under-5 mortality and on the prevention and control of diseases of epidemic potential including. UNICEF operationalizes its role in health emergencies through; among others, building and strengthening partnership; developing capacities; provision of essential drugs, emergency health kits and essential supplies; support human resources capacity through surge mechanisms and stand by partners.

The roster serves as an intermediate between consultants interested in working on UNICEF consultancy/TA assignments, and Regional Office/Country Offices seeking support. It is a list of vetted individuals that are viewable by the Regional Office and Country Offices that are looking for consultants/TAs who can help them in specific assignments, missions or projects. Once a suitable individual is found in the roster, a selection and hiring process commences immediately.

Candidates with suitable profiles will be placed in the roster to be considered for short term assignments in the region. Candidates will be responsible for periodically updating their profiles

Successful applicants will:

  • be based in countries in UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa region;
  • be deployed on a Temporary Appointment (TA) or consultancy (SSA) contracts for external applicants.

Key Tasks:

  • Provide technical support to UNICEF and partners including contributing to the development of or sharing relevant standards, protocols, guidelines and training materials for Health in emergencies.
  • Support the UNICEF Country offices in the development/update on health emergency response plans and other relevant documents as needed.
  • Be deployed on a short notice in the framework of UNICEF staff surge mechanism to support outbreak or other health emergencies
  • Conduct joint field visits and evaluations with relevant health sector/cluster partners.
  • Contribute to UNICEF’s Health Emergencies response strategy, work planning, contingency planning processes with other sectors to ensure cross sectoral response programming and resilience building.
  • Oversee project supply chain in coordination with UNICEF operations staff to ensure that essential medicines and other medical supplies are provided to government and NGO partners as needed.
  • Monitor the coverage of key health interventions among the beneficiary population and share information for internal communication and external coordination, including with the health cluster and inter-cluster coordination mechanism.
  • In close consultation with the M&E team, contribute to the office M&E mechanism, including performing results tracking.
  • Support the development of UNICEF information products related to the response including situation reports.
  • Help draft funding appeals, donor reports and project proposals related to the response.

Qualifications of Successful Candidates

  • Advanced university degree in Public Health, Community Health or related fields (preferably with specialized training on public health in complex emergencies, in epidemiology and/or disease control).
  • Eight years of professional work experience in public health, with field experience in responding to health emergencies. This includes: coordination & partnerships, risk assessments, planning, programming, implementation monitoring and evaluation of public health emergency programs relevant to communicable disease control.
  • Areas of expertise including: viral haemorrhagic diseases; vaccine preventable diseases; data management and analysis; epidemiology & surveillance; clinician/case management; water borne diseases, vector borne diseases International Health Regulations including JEEs/country core capacity assessments.
  • Background/familiarity in emergency preparedness and response.
  • Fluency in English (verbal and written), knowledge of other UN language is an asset.
  • Developing country work experience or field work experience in Africa is an asset.
  • Working experience with UNICEF, WHO or international health NGOs in emergency health is an asset.
  • Experience in qualitative and quantitative epidemiological information analysis, program monitoring and reporting.

The UNICEF Eastern and Southern Africa Region Country Offices are located in the following countries: Angola, Botswana, Burundi, Comoros, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Lesotho, Madagascar, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Rwanda, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe.

Advertised: 06 Nov 2019 E. Africa Standard Time

Applications close: 24 Nov 2019 11:55 PM E. Africa Standard Time

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