EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR 33 views1 applications 582 views


The Unyoke Foundation (UF) is an independent, African based, global resource organisation that specialises in the inter-generational accompaniment of peacebuilders. It is a path-breaker in the African peacebuilding field, and it is led and governed by African peacebuilding experts.

Our vision is to grow a human thread of flourishing and aspirant young leaders — especially women — who are connected with established peace leaders as an effective community of practice, first in Africa (rooted in African knowledge systems) and then globally.

Our mission is to accompany, nurture and link the next generation of passionate peace activists with established practitioners, on their journeys of learning how to lead towards dignity, transformation, healing and impact.

Unyoke Foundation requires the services of an Executive Director who will be contracted as a service provider for a minimum of 3 years renewable.


Apply before C.O.B on 22 November 2019 to [email protected] 

Job Title Executive Director
Position Description To oversee the operations of the Unyoke Foundation and ensure its proper governance, as well as to oversee the ongoing  advancement of the Foundation in line with its strategy and objectives
Department Name Management
Reporting Structure Board or Exco
Base Home and occasionally at the address listed above
Goals Ensure the smooth running of the operations of the Unyoke Foundation
Knowledge, Skills and abilities Proficient in English, excellent writing and communication   skills, adaptable, flexible and able to operate under pressure
Experience At least three years’ experience in senior management of an organisation and ensuring its sustainability.

A tertiary qualification or its equivalent is required, with a preference to management qualification

The main responsibilities of the Executive Director, reporting to the Board and the Exco (Executive Committee) will be as follows: 

  • To lead UF and oversee the overall management of the Foundation — this will involve motivating long-range strategic directions for the Foundation and ensuring the preparation of detailed plans to attain these and ensure compliance with approved strategy and governance;
  • To manage all aspects of UF’s finances — this will involve the design and implementation of financial and administrative policies and systems that will enable UF to operate smoothly, fairly and in an accountable manner;
  • To promote awareness of the Foundation in the public sphere and be its dedicated spokesperson — this will involve both the promotion of and the development of the intellectual profiling of the UF;
  • To take full responsibility for the fundraising programmes and ensure the maintenance of relationships with donors and be accountable for all funds raised -— this will involve developing a funding strategy that will sustain the organisation going forward;
  • To liaise with appropriate governmental, educational, peace activist organisations and other bodies with similar and complementary aims – in order to collaborate, build strategic relationships and partnerships with likeminded organisations in pursuit of the vision and mission of UF;
  • Programme implementation, monitoring, evaluation and learning – to ensure that all programmes are implemented according to agreed timeframes, and that the component of learning is infused throughout the lifespan of each programme; and
  • To take full responsibility for the human resource acquisition, management and wellbeing of the organisation.

Leadership, Oversight and Governance

  • Report to the Board and Exco on the implementation of decisions taken;
  • Recommend to the Board and Exco actions that need to be implemented to achieve the Foundation’s overall objectives;
  • Conceive and motivate long-range strategic directions for the Foundation and prepare detailed plans to attain them;
  • Provide leadership to all the Foundation’s constituencies – board, staff, associates, facilitators and donors, among others;
  • Ensure that all meetings required by the Memorandum Of Incorporation are properly organised and recorded; and
  • Ensure that proper statutory, financial and other records are maintained.

Financial and administrative management

Take full responsibility in ensuring the following:  

  • Design and manage systems and policies that ensure the smooth operation of UF;
  • Draw up and manage budgets;
  • Prepare financial reports for the Board;
  • Prepare finances for the audit process;
  • Maximise returns on investments;
  • Liaising with financial institutions, including SARS;
  • Oversee staff payroll management;
  • Draw up contracts for facilitators, sub-contractors and paid associates; Processing invoices and payment thereof.

Public Relations and Communication

  • Act as spokesperson for the Foundation to accredited media;
  • Represent the Foundation in presentations to public and civil society bodies;
  • Give final approval to promotional material which will encourage public use of the Foundation and engagement and enrolment in its programmes;
  • Take responsibility for arranging and hosting functions that will raise the Foundation’s local, continental and global profile; and
  • Maintaining a state of the art webpage for the Unyoke Foundation (https://unyoke.org/)
  • Undertake responsibility for hospitality for public and private partners.

Resource Mobilisation and Accountability

  • Maintain sound relations with existing donors and funding organizations;
  • Identify potential new sources of funding income and initiate contacts with them;
  • Co-ordinate activities with any future fundraising entities with whom relationships may be established;
  • Motivate small-scale donations from sympathetic individuals, visitors to the Foundation and others;
  • Ensure that funds are utilised for the purpose for which they are given; and Ensure that donors are provided with narrative and financial reports as required.

Strategic Network Weaving

  • Ensure that UF is well connected to peace leaders and their organisations worldwide;
  • Initiate, receive and maintain contacts with African and global peace organizations and activists;
  • Cultivate relations with relevant global bodies and other critical stakeholders;
  • Consolidate the African Peacebuilders Web, the Unyoke Foundation alumni; and the South Sudanese cohort members into a functioning and active web based platform;
  • Maintain and extend contact with public officials at local, provincial and national government levels to promote the interests of the Foundation;
  • Ensure due diligence is undertaken to ensure that all the associates are regularly engaged; and
  • Facilitate the recruitment of voluntary workers from local bodies and global service organizations.

Programme Implementation, Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning

  • Ensure that agreed programmes are implemented within agreed timeframes;
  • Ensure that learning is integrated throughout the implementation phase; and
  • Ensure that the personnel implementing programmes are well trained and adequately resourced

Human Resource Acquisition and Management

Take full responsibility for the appointment of professional staff, and be responsible for their terms of service and performance:

  • Ensure, in line with the approved staff complement, that professional, competent and committed staff are recruited;
  • Lay down terms and conditions of employment that comply with government requirements and are equivalent to similar positions in other PBOs;
  • Ensure that job descriptions are fully understood and adhered to by all staff;
  • Ensure that the appropriate equipment to enable staff to carry out their duties is obtained and maintained;
  • Arrange for annual staff appraisals and performance reviews and make appropriate recommendations
  • Manage contractual affairs relating to critical stakeholders

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  • Job City South Africa

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