Consultant Recruitment Education Sector Expert, Algeria 268 views

Job no: 526725

Position type: Consultancy

Location: Algeria

Division/Equivalent: Amman(MENA)

School/Unit: Algeria

Department/Office: Algiers, Algeria

Categories: Education, Consultancy


Title: Education Sector Expert – (national / international)

Level: Consultant P 3 / P 4 or NoC / NoD depending on qualifications and experience

Reports to: Deputy Representative

Duration: 12 months

Location: Tindouf – Algeria


In the 2010 update of the Core Commitments for Children (CCCs) is the explicit commitment that appropriate and experienced staff and personnel with relevant deployment training are provided and rapidly deployed, that focus on action in the first eight critical weeks of humanitarian response and provide guidance for action beyond that, moving towards defined benchmarks.

The Sahrawi refugee situation is one of the most protracted refugee crises in the world. The Sahrawi refugee camps located in Tindouf south-western province of Algeria were established in 1975-76 when the end of the Spanish colonial rule over the Western Sahara resulted in the irruption of an armed conflict between the Kingdom of Morocco and the Polisario Front, and the flight of tens of thousands of refugees. Tindouf is an area characterized by extreme weather conditions of the Sahara with temperatures below 8°C during the winter season and above 45°C in summer. In addition, frequent sandstorms disrupt normal life. Water is scarce and neither clean nor sufficient for the entire refugee population. Most houses and constructions are built using a local technique and material consisting in clay bricks, not very resistant to heavy rain and consequent floods. Basic life is difficult to sustain in this environment where opportunities for self-reliance are extremely limited and the refugees living in these camps are almost fully dependent on humanitarian assistance for their very survival. However, Sahrawi camps differ from most refugee camps in the world by the level of self-organization of the population. Most social services and camp life organization are run by the refugees themselves, with no or only little outside interference.

The camps are divided into five districts – Laayoune, Awserd, Smara, Boujdour and Dakhla – in addition to the administrative camp of Rabouni which host most of the sectoral authorities as well as the Sahrawi Red Crescent. They are spread over a quite large area. While Laayoune, Smara, Awserd, Boujdour and Rabouni are located within one hour drive of the Algerian city of Tindouf, the Dakhla camp lies 170 km to the southeast accessible by road.

As the refugee crisis enters its 44th year, three UN agencies (UNHCR, WFP, UNICEF) supporting the humanitarian response emphasize the plight of Sahrawi refugees aggravated by the decrease in funding to what has become one of the world’s long forgotten crises and which is further deteriorating, with frustration mounting among young people who are nearly all born in camps and whose future life prospects are uncertain and dim. The UN assistance is a critical component of a multi-donor, multi-faceted humanitarian relief effort in support of the refugees. UNHCR and WFP have been providing basic food and essential non-food assistance since 1986 while UNICEF supports maternal and neonatal programmes, immunization and educational activities in addition to assistance to centres caring for children with disabilities and activities for adolescents. UNICEF, co-leading the Education Coordination Group (ECG), is particularly supporting the rehabilitation of some of the most damaged education infrastructures and construction of others, in addition to providing school materials and to building the capacities of teachers and other education personnel.


In line with UNICEF’s Core Commitments for children, under the guidance of the Deputy Representative and the supervision of the Humanitarian Programme Officer, the Expert consultant will support the implementation of the Education component of the humanitarian programme carried out by UNICEF Algeria in the refugee camps located in Tindouf Wilaya, and more generally contribute to reinforce the education sector strategic planning in close collaboration with the Sahrawi education authorities and the members of the Education Coordination Group.


The expert will provide high-quality technical inputs to improve learning outcomes and promote equitable and inclusive education in accordance to UNICEF’s Strategic Plans, standards of performance, and accountability framework.

  • Prepare a comprehensive situation analysis of the education sector, considering past interventions as well as emerging issues of concern.
  • Conduct a comprehensive study on the drop-out phenomenon to allow a better understanding of the determinant factors and inclusive of recommendation on prevention, responses and alternatives for children and adolescents who ultimately do drop out; design a program document highlighting a set-up of interventions that will contribute to the prevention of school drop-out and others that will respond to the needs of out-of-school children.
  • Formulate an overall five-year strategy for the education sector informing all investments required to promote the sustainable provision of quality education for all school-age children. An initial working paper outlining the objectives, scope and framework will be prepared prior to engaging stakeholders in the development of an initial draft document that will be reviewed, enriched and finalized in close collaboration with UNICEF regional experts. The expert will ensure that all sectoral considerations – including those related to all relevant humanitarian sectors, such as food, nutrition, health, sanitation, protection, construction, … are adequately incorporated and inform strategic options and priorities related to key components of the education system such as curriculum development and reform, quality, capacity development, human resource, infrastructure development, funding perspectives …
  • Provide guidance and technical advices to UNICEF partner supporting the development of the Education Information management System (with relational databases linking schools to regional directorates and to the central level) that will allow the generation of data informing proper planning, management and monitoring
  • Develop standard assessment formats for use within the sector and specific tools to be used for monitoring UNICEF program outcomes based on regular monitoring benchmarks and UNICEF / UN performance indicators to assess and strengthen performance, accountability, coherence and delivery of concrete and sustainable results
  • Provide continuous technical guidance to UNICEF partner implementing the education capacity building programme, develop impact assessment tools for the use of partner, and ensure regular monitoring and evaluation of impact by UNICEF


The expert consultant will work under the guidance of the Deputy Representative and under the supervision of the Humanitarian Programme Officer.


One hundred and twenty working days over a period of twelve months starting November 2019.

The expert will be able to work partially from home, with a minimum of nine months on site required aside from the period of school holidays.

The expert consultant will be able to rent an accommodation or an hotel room in Tindouf city and commute daily (five days a week) with UNICEF team to Rabouni located 30 minutes far from Tindouf.

Activities will be implemented out of UNICEF office located in a compound hosting UN agencies and NGOs offices and frequent visits to the camps are anticipated.

Tindouf is 02.30 from Algiers by plane (at least 5 flights per week). Life in Tindouf is pleasant, though very hot during the summer (May to September), safe and reasonably cheap (social life, gym, swimming pool, good internet…).

Some specific security arrangements need to be observed and impose some constraints in terms of work schedule.


  • An advanced university degree (Master’s or higher) in education or other relevant technical fields
  • Minimum of seven years of progressively, responsible professional work experience in developing, implementing and supporting education programmes, strategic planning, policy development
  • Experience in managing high-impact educational programme delivery schemes for improving quality education for the most deprived populations
  • Familiarity with EMIS data collection, analysis and dissemination methods
  • Experience working with diverse stakeholders or multi-stakeholder partnerships is highly desirable
  • Relevant experience in humanitarian education programme development in a UN system agency or international organization is an asset
  • Working experience in crisis affected contexts is required
  • Effective cross-cultural communication skills
  • Fluency in Arabic (oral and written) and French is required; knowledge of English and Spanish is an asset


The Education Expert will have a good understanding of the overall development context, including issues such as poverty, protracted conflict, and the impact of these factors on education and vice-versa. The Expert will master inter-sectoral approaches to address such issues in collaboration with other sectors and experts including Social Policy, Child Protection, Communication, Monitoring and Evaluation, Communication for Development, Nutrition, WASH, and Health,

The Expert will …

  • Have a good knowledge of global developments in education and international engagement strategies, including the application of the equity lens and human rights perspectives to programming. Good ability to support policy dialogue: translation of analytical findings and evidence into development programme and policy discussions around equity and learning with partners, including authorities, development partners, CSOs and academia in relevant areas
  • Have education sector planning knowledge/ability, including the range of modalities for delivering education, linkages between different sub-sectors (e.g. ECD, primary, secondary, tertiary, inclusive education, professional training), cost-effectiveness and efficiency issues, key institutional structures, components and processes, as well as governance issues
  • Have a good education and policy sector analysis capacity, including understanding of the core education data sets and indicators; tools for analysis of equity; determinants of student access and learning; budget, costing, and financial management in education systems
  • Command of the Global Partnerships for Education (GPE) and the Minimum Standards for
  • Education in Emergencies, Chronic Crises and Early Reconstruction (INEE) as well as knowledge of the global commitment on aid effectiveness, including the Paris Declaration on Aid Effectiveness and the Accra Agenda for Action
  • Have a good understanding of gender and inequity issues in relation to education, development and the application of gender / equity analysis to policy and planning in education
  • Comprehend policies and strategies to address issues related to resilience: risk analysis and risk management, education in conflict situations, natural disasters, and recovery.
  • Be familiar with resources mobilization strategies and mechanisms for education
  • Be able to timely contribute to situation/progress/status reports for UNICEF reporting requirements

Advertised: Nov 20 2019 W. Central Africa Standard Time

Application close: Dec 04 2019 W. Central Africa Standard Time

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  • Closes Dec 04 2019

    Consultant Recruitment Education Sector Expert – (national / international) in Algeria

    Education Sector Expert – (national / international).

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