Client satisfaction survey study and E-data collection development 223 views

Client satisfaction survey study and E-data collection development

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    Handicap International – Humanity & Inclusion

    Closing date:
    11 Dec 2019

    Terms of References

    Client satisfaction survey study and E-data collection development

    1- General overview

    Title of Project

    RAISE – Rehabilitation, Accessibility promotion for an Inclusive and Supportive Environment for All

    Title of Consultancy

    Client satisfaction survey study and E-data collection development

    Number of working day

    20 working days


    16 December 2019 -31 January 2020

    2- Presentation of the context

    1.1 Organization background

    HI, founded in 1982 in Cambodia and working today in more than 60 countries, is an independent and impartial aid organization working in situations of poverty and exclusion, conflict and disaster. HI works alongside people with disabilities and vulnerable populations, taking action and bearing witness in order to respond to their essential needs, improve their living conditions and promote respect for their dignity and fundamental rights.

    1.2 Project Background

    In Cambodia, the Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans Youth and Rehabilitation (MoSVY) is in charge of the implementation of the legislation relating to disability. Rehabilitation services, for instance, are provided through a network of 11 Physical Rehabilitation Centres (PRCs), all initially established by international organisations. PRCs generally offer physiotherapy services and prosthetics and orthotics services to adults and children with a wide range of physical impairments.

    HI is implementing a project named “RAISE – Rehabilitation, Accessibility promotion for an Inclusive and Supportive Environment for All”. The project is supported by the Australian Government through the ACCESS. The project has the following outcomes:

    • Outcome 1: DAC capacities to advocate for and efficiently accompany the implementation of the National Accessibility Guidelines are strengthened.

    • Outcome 2: Kampong Cham PRC is strengthened to function as a role model for the five target PRCs, implementing good practices and developing new tools in line with national standards and the needs of people with disabilities.

    • Outcome 3: Vulnerable citizens and women participate to social accountability efforts to improve responsive public services addressing the needs of all.

    3- Presentation of the study/research

    3-1- Why this study?

    Between October 2015 and May 2016, a consultant had been supported by the WHO to work on to review the working procedures for rehabilitation including client satisfaction survey tool for PRC.

    In the first step, the process of tool reviewing is to collect the existing client satisfaction survey tools from concerned PRCs supported by HI, ICRC, Exceed, and VIC. Then consultant conducted the review to question/items which were the same/similar and different and then put into one combined form (in Khmer and English) as the first draft.

    The second step, the consultant sent the latest form to all PRCs and NGOs to provide comments following criteria/questions below.

    1. Is/are there any other points you want to get comments or feedback from clients who use PRC service? Why?
    2. Is/are there any question/item you want to select from this form? Why?
    3. Is/are there any questions/items not clear? What should it/they be written? Please re-write it/them?
    4. Is/are there any question/item culturally or socially inappropriate? What should it/they be written? Please re-write it/them?
    5. Please keep the rewrite question/item be as precisely as possible.

    Then, the third step was to resend the second draft to the same PRCs to recheck and re-comment with an explanation of any change to questions/items of the first draft, for example, the change was/were based on the comment from Mr. A, B, C. Although the explanation was made to the requesting for comments in terms of change/modification made on the second draft, this time there were a lot of questions from stakeholders why some questions/items were modified or changed. In addition, some PRCs reported that the tool was so many questions/items. However, this will be the role of testing to delete or eliminate unrelated questions/items to be a validation of the tool in step 4.

    3-2- Study objectives

    • Overall objectives of the study

    The study is intended to validate the drafted client satisfaction survey tool and develop an E-data collection. The tool will be used to collect feedback from clients who received the rehabilitation services at the PRCs. In addition, the tool will be shared with all PRCs particularly the PRCs under the management of Persons With Disability Foundation (PWDF) so that they can apply it in order to improve the quality of rehabilitation services in Cambodia.

    · Expected Results:

    • The drafted client satisfaction survey tool is agreed and introduced to the selected PRCs (Kampong Cham and Kien Kleang) for piloting.
    • The validity and specificity of the tools are tested to eliminate the number of questions/ items to be shorted from 10 to 15 questions/ items through pilot tests and collect feedback from the data collectors to understand how good the tool is, in terms of easy understanding, friendly use, and other related issues.
    • E-data collection development by using Kobo Toolbox, dashboard (data analysis) by the Power BI and guideline of data collection are produced.
    • Training how to use the E-data collection tool (Kobo Toolbox) are provided to PRC team.

    3-3- Proposed methodology

    • Meeting with relevant PRC team (PRC Kampong Cham and Kien Kleang) to introduce and training on data collection for piloting.
    • 20 clients for PRC Kampong Cham and Kien Kleang will be interviewed by using the piloting tool.
    • Data analysis for validation of the tool should be conducted to eliminate the number of questions/ items to be from 10 to 15 questions/ items. This can be conducted through an in-depth interview with the surveyors and statistical analysis.
    • Presentation the validation of the tool will be conducted with the relevant PRC team (PRC Kampong Cham and Kien Kleang).
    • The E-data collection (Kobo Toolbox), dashboard (Power BI) and data collection guideline should be trained to the PRC team.

    3.4 Indicative work schedule

    1 Meeting with HI staff to define the scope, methodology and report format of the study. (1day) Timeline: 16 Dec 2019

    2 Meeting and training to PRC team for piloting of the tool (1day) Timeline: 17 Dec 2019

    3 Facilitate and observe of data collection as piloting (2 PRCs) (8days) Timeline: 18-29 Dec 2019

    4 Conduct statistical analysis within collected data to validation of the tool (3days) Timeline: 1-3 Jan 2020

    5 Presentation the validation of the tool (1day) Timeline: 8 Jan 2020

    6 Develop E-data collection (Kobo Toolbox), dashboard (Power BI) and data collection guideline. (2days) Timeline: 9-10 Jan 2020

    7 Provide training to PRC team on E-data collection (Kobo Toolbox) (1day) Timeline:15 Jan 2020

    8 Draft a report of the study submit to HI for feedback (2days) Timeline:16-17 Jan 2020

    9 Final report and all deliverables submit to HI (1day) Timeline:29 Jan 2020

    3-4- Report/Deliverables

    By the end of the mission/consultancy, the consultant is expected to submit the following deliverables:

    1. Client satisfaction survey tool.

    2. E-data collection (Kobo Toolbox) dashboard (data analysis) and data collection guideline.

    3. Statistic data analysis of validation of the tool.

    4. Final report which includes the following chapters: introduction, context and history of the tool development and analysis of validity of the tool.

    5. Relevant documents and photos that collected in the study.

    3-5- Budget

    The maximum amount of the consultancy is 3,000.00 USD (included withholding tax).

    The maximum amount takes into account the tax (VAT or withholding tax) following the following criteria:

    · Cambodian resident registered at the General Department of Taxation (GDT) must provide their certificate of taxation and apply the 10% VAT.

    · Cambodian resident not registered at the General Department of Taxation (GDT) must apply a withholding of 15% of the amount of their proposal.

    · The non-cambodian resident must apply according to the Cambodian Tax Law a withholding of 14% of the amount of the proposal.

    4- Requested profile

    The consultancy will be carried out by an individual or group of experts who has the following qualification and specification:

    • Relevant professional knowledge and experience in the area of health and disability; particularly rehabilitation.
    • Knowledge and experience in validation of the tool.
    • Advanced skills in data analysis in SPSS
    • Knowledge and experience in developing online survey by Kobo Toolbox and data analysis by Power BI.
    • Excellent report writing skills in English.
    • Fluent in Khmer would be beneficial.

    Humanity & Inclusion is committed to protect the rights of the children and opposes to all forms of child exploitation and child abuse. HI contractors must commit to protect children against exploitation and abuse.

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