Biomedical Prevention Advisor (GS 13 Equivalent) 263 views

Biomedical Prevention Advisor (GS 13 Equivalent)

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    US Agency for International Development

    Closing date:
    27 Dec 2019

    Summary Statement

    The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) continues to be at the forefront of the U.S. Government (USG) response in the fight against HIV/AIDS. USAID is a key partner in the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and works closely with other USG agencies on this initiative. In the Bureau for Global Health (GH), the Office of HIV and AIDS (GH/OHA) has primary responsibility for the Agency’s HIV and AIDS program, and provides strategic direction, technical leadership and support to field programs in HIV and AIDS. The Office provides input to decisions concerning the strategic allocation of financial and human resources in the sector and assists in designing, implementing, monitoring and evaluating programs. This entails ensuring the technical integrity of Agency and Mission strategies; providing global technical leadership on the full range of issues related to HIV and AIDS prevention, care and treatment, and monitoring and reporting on the impact of the Agency’s HIV and AIDS program.

    Job Requirements

    In support of these efforts and PEPFAR’s goal to end the HIV epidemic, the Biomedical Prevention Advisor (Advisor) will support USAID’s development and implementation of biomedical interventions for HIV prevention, including pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP). S/he will provide technical guidance on biomedical HIV prevention as well as voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC), condoms, and new emerging biomedical prevention options. The Advisor will coordinate with other USG agencies and donors on related policy development and provide technical assistance to partner governments, PEPFAR country teams and USG implementing partners in the design, implementation and evaluation of technically-sound, cost-effective, and practical approaches to biomedical HIV prevention, specifically, and the continuum of HIV prevention, care and treatment more broadly.

    The Advisor will work closely with and receive technical direction from the Biomedical Prevention Branch Chief, who will serve as the Point of Contact (POC).

    Essential Duties and Responsibilities:

    Strengthen USAID PrEP and biomedical prevention programs through the provision of strategic guidance and expertise:

    • Provide global technical advice on biomedical HIV prevention, including PrEP.
    • Contribute to the development of USAID’s strategic approach to biomedical prevention within the context of the broader national, PEPFAR, and global responses.
    • Collaborate with other donors supporting PrEP and biomedical prevention service delivery such as WHO.
    • Provide technical advice to support Contract/Agreement Officer Representatives and activity managers of USAID grants and contracts and selected centrally-funded initiatives in strengthening biomedical prevention components of HIV programming with a focus on VMMC and PrEP.
    • Prepare and deliver technical reports, manuscripts, and presentations related to PrEP and biomedical prevention for internal and external audiences.
    • Provide technical inputs to comprehensive and targeted biomedical prevention programming, specifically pre­ exposure prophylaxis (PrEP), with additional support for VMMC, and condoms, working in close collaboration with members of the Biomedical Prevention Branch, the Prevention, Care and Treatment (PCT) Division and across OHA and the GH bureau.
    • Provide technical assistance for biomedical prevention interventions including VMMC, condoms, and new emerging biomedical prevention options.

    Promote high quality, sustainable country programs that are data-driven and consistent with current practice, international standards and recommendations:

    • Support country teams in planning and implementation of PrEP programs.
    • Support the development and implementation of strategic approaches to PrEP scale up in PEPFAR countries.
    • Coordinate with country level stakeholders such as Ministries of Health and implementing partners.
    • Assess implementation progress and the quality of biomedical prevention interventions programs and recommend improvements for service delivery in the field.
    • Monitor program performance and quality, ensuring PEPFAR targets are met and service delivery meets quality and safety standards.
    • Provide support and/or training to Mission VMMC POC and/or biomedical prevention advisors on PEPFAR and OHA VMMC / Prevention Technical considerations (related to PrEP programming) for HIV epidemic control.
    • Serve on the USAID PrEP Task Force and coordinate PrEP implementation with other technical leads on priority populations, commodity and financial planning, and research.
    • Provide technical assistance and programmatic advice to USAID field Missions and country programs on biomedical HIV prevention interventions, specifically PrEP.
    • Support countries in program monitoring and evaluation, to ensure program investments reflect the efficient use of funds and are synergistic with other investments made by the USG and partner agencies.
    • Support the transition to local partners in the areas of PrEP and biomedical prevention by assisting them in establishing quality assurance measures for biomedical prevention, appropriate SOPs for training, service delivery, program monitoring, and reporting systems for Adverse Events (AEs).
    • Support the scale up of PrEP programs that are feasible and sustainable in the context of local ownership.
    • Provide ongoing technical assistance in all aspects of planning for biomedical prevention programming, including development of programs, and ensuring that field programs are data-driven and continuously improving performance through analysis of routine data.
    • Ensure research and evidence-based results are appropriately applied in field programs.
    • Facilitate sharing of best practices across USG programs in diverse countries.
    • Serve on the PEPFAR interagency Technical teams such as the Community of Practice for PrEP.

    Develop a knowledge base of global advances in the field of biomedical prevention and provide recommendations to USAID and the global biomedical prevention community regarding the application of this information to USAID’s technical and strategic approaches:

    • Maintain knowledge of current public health, scientific, social science, and medical literature related to biomedical prevention and the broader HIV prevention, care and treatment continuum.
    • Participate in high-level USG and global meetings to develop coordinated policies, strategies and guidelines for biomedical prevention with the continuum of HIV prevention, care, and treatment.
    • Promote USG interagency collaboration and strengthen coordination with other international development partners involved in biomedical HIV prevention interventions.
    • Seek out innovative opportunities to advance the intellectual discourse relating to biomedical prevention interventions.
    • Prepare and deliver technical reports, manuscripts, and presentations related to biomedical prevention for internal and external audiences.

    • Participate in professional continuing education, skills training and professional meetings to enhance relevant technical skills and career development.

    • Complete and execute and Individual Learning and Training Plan and Annual Work Plan.

    Minimum Qualification Requirements

    • Minimum of a Master’s degree and 7 years of relevant experience or the equivalent combination of education and experience; alternatively, must have a Bachelor’s degree and 9 years of relevant professional experience or the equivalent combination of education and experience.
    • Minimum of 5 years of relevant experience with two or more public health technical disciplines (such as HIV, monitoring and evaluation performance improvement, etc.); job duties/responsibilities generally related to PD requirements.
    • HIV background and expertise, with specific focus on HIV biomedical prevention.
    • Knowledge of and experience with biomedical HIV prevention approaches, specifically PrEP.
    • Experience in designing, managing, monitoring, and/or evaluating PrEP and biomedical prevention programs in developing country contexts.
    • Demonstrated innovative thinking and problem-solving skills.
    • Strong interpersonal, facilitation and team building skills, and ability to work across agencies and cross-culturally with diverse teams.
    • Ability to work independently with minimal supervision.
    • Excellent analytical, written, and oral communication skills.
    • Ability to travel internationally (minimum 25-35% time).
    • US citizenship or US permanent residency with the ability to obtain and maintain Facility Access Clearance required.

    Application closing date: 12/27/2019

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