Request for quotation Arabic Speaking Researcher – Study on the role of language in PSEA reporting (Remote support to Yemen) 212 views

Request for quotation Arabic Speaking Researcher – Study on the role of language in PSEA reporting (Remote support to Yemen)

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    • #3440573
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    Translators without Borders

    Closing date:
    05 Jan 2020

    The mission of Translators without Borders is to provide people with access to vital knowledge in their language. We do this by building language technology, increasing language translation capacity at a local level, providing language and simplification services that are culturally appropriate, accessible and open source, and raising awareness globally of language barriers.

    Contract length: 3 months full time

    Location: home based

    Travel: none

    To apply send CV(s), a technical proposal outlining your understanding of the terms of reference, total budget and sample of your previous work; kindly include it under “Cover note” . The budget clearly identify either daily or monthly fees.

    About Translators without Borders

    The mission of Translators without Borders is to provide people with access to vital knowledge in their language. We do this by building language technology, increasing language translation capacity at a local level, providing language and simplification services that are culturally appropriate, accessible and open source, and raising awareness globally of language barriers.


    Translators without Borders and Save the Children are collaborating on a study of the role of language in communications around the protection from sexual abuse and exploitation.

    Both organisations are interested in:

    • how the use of language may affect whether and how a humanitarian volunteer or staff member understands the principles of protection from sexual abuse and exploitation (for instance the use of euphemisms to discuss sexual acts, or terms which describe power imbalance and abuses)

    • the language used by crisis-affected community members (men, women, young people of both sexes, and children) to speak about their bodies, power relationships, and sexual abuse. This may include terms, idioms, euphemisms or other forms which are understood commonly or only among peers within these target subsets of the community.

    • Preferred formats and channels for reporting/disclosing abuse or exploitation


    The consultant will work under the supervision of a Lead Research and be responsible for remote research support including but not limited to:

    • Contributing to the design of appropriate methodology and tools (qualitative and quantitative) for this study.

    • Analyze current language usage in existing communications materials and reporting mechanisms used by the PSEA network and its partners, and Save the Children in Yemen

    • Reviewing the individual field research transcripts from FDGs and interviews and analysing the nuance of terminology and language usage of the discussions.

    • Translation of field notes, transcripts and tools.

    • Working with Save the Children and TWB teams to make recommendations on the approach and further explorations

    • Working with TWB and Save the Children staff to analyse the data, and contribute to the writing of the report

    • Organizing and handing over all transcripts, data, images and other research materials to TWB


    • An analysis of specific Yemeni terminology related to men, women, boys and girls (2 pages per group)

    • A summary analysis of the preferred reporting and communications channels related to SEA for men, women, boys and girls to contribute to the major report. (max 4 pages)

    • A glossary of Arabic and English terms related to SEA (spreadsheet) extracted from research materials

    • Ongoing translation from Arabic to English of datasets, interview and FGD transcripts and all other relevant information and evidence gathered during the research

    Timeframe: Between 1 Feb and 24th April 2020


    The consultant should have a good understanding of language barriers in humanitarian programming, a very good understanding of the humanitarian sector, and a strong sense of initiative. Practical experience of the protection, prevention of gender-based violence, prevention of sexual abuse and exploitation, accountability to affected population sectors in humanitarian or development settings is a definite plus. Knowledge of TWB and/or Save the Children will be an advantage. Excellent written and spoken Arabic and English essential.


    • Demonstrated experience in implementing research, evaluations and studies

    • Demonstrated understanding of safeguarding, and prevention of sexual abuse and exploitation referral systems, and awareness of the impact language can have

    • Sociolinguistic background preferred

    • Excellent English and writing skills and a confident reader of Arabic.

    • Qualitative data analysis experience

    • Good understanding of research ethics and data management

    • Ability to work remotely without significant support

    Core Values

    Translators without Borders employees and volunteers are made of people who believe passionately about the value of this work and take personal responsibility for achieving the mission. Translators without Borders’ mission and organizational spirit embody the core values established in its strategic framework:

    Excellence: As the leading voice for communicating humanitarian information in the right language, Translators without Borders is a leader in the translation industry and in the non-profit sector.

    Integrity: Translators without Borders believes that every person, whether it’s the people who we serve, our volunteers or our staff, has value, deserves respect and has inherent dignity.

    Empowerment: Translators without Borders believes in using language to empower people around the world to control their own development and destiny.

    Innovation: Translators without Borders recognizes and celebrates the power of innovation to address humanitarian and crisis issues around the world.

    Sustainability: Translators without Borders recognizes that meeting our mission necessitates establishment and maintenance of a solid financial and organizational infrastructure.

    Tolerance: Our staff and volunteers are highly knowledgeable and skilled; value each other, our partner and our recipients; create a supportive work environment; and, conduct themselves professionally at all times.

    Translators without Borders is an equal-opportunity employer, committed to diversity and inclusion, and encourages qualified candidates of all genders and from all national, religious and ethnic backgrounds, including persons living with disabilities, to apply to become a part of our organization.

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